Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Heads up: This review is going to be full of spoilers!

Room is written from the point of view of a 5 year old. As most 5 yr olds are sheltered, Jack has only lived in a 12x12 room for his entire life. There is no outside world except thru the TV. He was told that everything on the TV is made up and knows no better. Jack's mother is only know through the book as "Ma". We know there has to be reasons that they live in this small space and why there is delieveries from an older man named Old Nick.
Room was hard to understand at first. The reader has to understand what Jack means when he describes objects and events. He sees things as Ma has taught him and has had no exposure to other people. He even stays in the wardrobe when Old Nick comes in to Room. Ma plays games and tries to occupy their time so that he will be an smart young man. She tries to keep her mind busy to pass the time. She does the best that she can do with the little that they have.
When they do leave Room and head out into the real world the book really picked up for me. I read most of that with in one sitting. It was interesting to see them (especially Jack) adapt and learn what the world is like. There are many family members and doctors introduced into Jack's life. He has trouble understanding how big the world is and how things work. He doesn't understand why it can not just be him and Ma all the time and has severe detachment issues. We do see Jack take some small steps into a new life but not everything always goes as planned.
I really suggest this book to anyone. It is an interesting read and hard to read at some points.

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